We want to make your job perfect for you! Our team will review your project with you in depth to make sure that you are getting the right floor for your home.
It starts with a free estimate in which we meet you to address your needs and budget. We can then help you select the right flooring type; hardwood, laminate or vinyl to suit your specific needs. Once that is selected we can decide on the proper installation method based on the material selected and your needs; Nail down, floating or glue down.
As the market and suppliers are evolving we want to make sure that your floor and warranty last. Floor Levelling has become a prominent factor into flooring projects and warranties. The better your floor levelling is, the longer your floor will last. This is because floor levelling is designed to take away deviations from your substrate and flatten it. The flatter your floor is the less stress you are putting on the joints of your flooring. We are very proud of the Floor Levelling work we are able to provide.
This is a very precise method to get an almost perfectly flat floor.
This is where we use a 10’ straight edge to screed out levelling compounds. The goal of this process is to get the substrate deviations to 3/16” over a 10’ area, which is the industry standard for tolerance.
We understand that some homeowners just want to patch the worst areas to be more budget friendly. Though we don’t recommend this, as your warranty will be compromised, we can do this with a warranty sign off.
We look at jobs differently than most and are willing to provide multiple solutions to your flooring project to meet your needs and budget accordingly.
Furthermore, Prestige Planks is utilizing our expertise and artistry to expand our offerings, presenting you with exquisite stretch ceilings and tailored lighting solutions. These remarkable additions serve as exceptional means to enhance the worth and individuality of your residential or commercial spaces. To explore further details, kindly visit our LUSSTRO website at https://lusstro.com